Accidents and Alcohol menu-item-has-children The Facts Did you know that the annual cost of car accidents involving alcohol-impaired drivers…
How They Work Remember that red light you ran the other day? The light changed so quickly, and another…
Many people think that the last thing they need when facing DUI (Driving under the influence of alcohol) charges…
This sage advice comes from former Secretary of State Colin Powell in a CNN interview onmenu-item-has-children Larry King Live. He…
You were late for work, and it was a simple matter of taking your chances and pushing the speed…
So, you just got a ticket for reckless driving. No big deal, right? Just pay the ticket and move…
Everyone has missed an appointment or two in their lives. It just happens. Demanding schedules can cause dental appointments,…
The very best way to beat a traffic ticket is not to get one in the first place! However,…
Traffic Infractions Courts would be overwhelmed if every speeding ticket and parking ticket required a full trial and representation…
Bench Warrant menu-item-has-children An Invitation to Sit Down? At first glance, a bench warrant may sound like an invitation…